April 21, 2021

Avoid Teeth In A Day's Wax Try Ins

Find Out If You May Be Eligible
For Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours

Get The Dental Implant Cost Guide
Teeth in a day wax tryins

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If you’re not careful about choosing a dental implant provider It’s likely you’ll end up asking, “Does the process ever end”?

Want to know the reason why?

REALLY popular dental implant centers won’t tell you about this part of their processes.

In fact, the only thing they advertise is “Teeth In a Day.”

If you’ve read my last email you know it can actually be up to a 10+ month process to get your permanent set.

Generally, dental implants need about 5-6 months to really integrate into the bone so you may be asking why does the process actually take up to 10+ months?

It’s the dreadful wax try-in appointments that seem to never end.

Because the "Teeth-in-a-day" process uses manual impressions (think of the goop that fills your entire mouth) and it can be really hard to get your bite accurate.

When your bite is off it can cause everything from headaches to early wear and tear on your brand new teeth.

You don’t want to be living on Advil the rest of your life because of the way your bite comes together so it’s important to get this step right. The old way of doing it is painfully slow, and still not guaranteed to provide you with the bite you deserve.

The other clinics have a lab they work with that literally builds your teeth in hard wax. You then go in for an appointment where you try in your wax teeth. When the bite is off or the teeth look wrong or weird you’re sent home.

The clinic then takes your feedback and sends the wax teeth back to their lab to be redone. Depending on the speed of the lab it could take two weeks for your next try-in. This process continues until you FINALLY get your permanent set.

After already having your temporary conversion denture other clinics call “Teeth In A Day” the last thing you want are endless appointments trying in wax teeth, right?

That’s where our revolutionary technology and lab processes come in. Using digital technology we can map your mouth and bite as accurately as a nanometer. A nanometer is smaller than a red blood cell.

You have to come see us for a consultation to really understand the process entirely.

If you have not had a consultation with us, call us at: (866) 366-8777

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Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2024 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
Get the Guide

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