When trying to get a lasting solution to missing teeth, nobody wants to see stories about dental implants gone wrong.
Whether it’s failed dental implants, a horrible patient experience, or teeth that just didn’t turn out right, these stories can put a pit in your stomach. However, the reality is that dental implants have a very high success rate. With Nuvia’s success rate being 99.13% and other large studies of other providers reporting success rates of 93.93-98% (1).
If you’re wondering what the downside to dental implants really is and want to get the honest truth, Scott’s story is for you.
Where others might wonder if challenges are signs of dental implants gone wrong, Scott’s perspective is to trust the process and you can get the beautiful and functional smile you’ve always wanted.
See if you may be a candidate for full mouth dental implants with this 60-second quiz.
Dental Implants Gone Wrong? Or Part of the Process?
When it comes to a life-changing procedure like dental implants, the ride may not always be smooth sailing. Especially during the healing period, there could be some discomfort.
Scott sets the story straight of getting a new smile and reveals if these drawbacks are the result of dental implants gone wrong or just a natural part of the process that lots of people go through.
The Initial Adjustment
Scott was only two weeks out from his dental implant surgery when he shared his experience. He admitted that speaking felt strange at first.
“I'm still kinda getting used to talking because I'm only two weeks out,” he said. Having a full set of teeth after years without them felt surreal.
It isn’t uncommon for patients to have an adjustment period where they get used to having a mouth full of teeth again. Sometimes this adjustment can result in a temporary lisp or biting the tongue and cheeks more often than before.
Those who have experienced this are quick to note that these things quickly resolve as they get used to their new teeth and eventually, they should feel totally natural.
The Fear of Waiting
Having heard a bit about the traditional approach to dental implants, the last thing Scott wanted was to wait for what could be months for his permanent teeth. He had had enough suffering already.
“I was dreading the fact of dentures. Didn’t want those.” Like many others, he didn’t want to go through any amount of time with an uncomfortable, temporary solution.
This is a real downside for many patients considering dental implants. However, at Nuvia, patients have no need to fear waiting months with temporary teeth. Nuvia patients get their permanent set of teeth 24 hours after the dental implant procedure.
Stories about dental implants gone wrong can include patients needing to have frequent return appointments or spending months of waiting in uncomfortable temporary teeth.
Those are two nightmares you won’t experience at Nuvia.
That’s why Scott chose the Nuvia approach that allowed him to get his permanent teeth in 24 hours instead of waiting through a drawn-out process.
Change In Diet
Another struggle that patients like Scott face when getting a new smile can be dealing with diet limitations.
During the first few months of healing, patients are told to stick to a soft food diet (anything that can be cut with a plastic fork). Although this may be difficult for some, Scott had already been struggling to eat due to his oral health.
“For me, like I said, I had a double bone infection, so I wasn’t eating anything...I wasn't healthy. I wasn't happy.
In fact, I was miserable.” While this restriction was challenging, it was nothing compared to the struggles he had faced before getting dental implants.
Not being able to eat hard or tough foods right away isn’t a sign of dental implants gone wrong, it’s actually part of the healing process that allows patients (just a few months later) to eat anything they want.

What Scott Loves About Dental Implants
While some might wonder if the less pleasant parts of getting dental implants are signs of dental implants gone wrong, Scott knows the truth.
There may be some bumps along the way but Scott emphasizes “It'll be the best move you've ever made. Trust me. It's one of the best moves I've ever made”.
Here’s what he loves about his dental implants:
Dental Implants Saved His Life
Scott didn’t just want new teeth for aesthetics or convenience—his health was at serious risk.
Before his surgery, he was battling a double bone infection, both upper and lower. The infection had spread bacteria throughout his system, making him sick constantly.
“I lost forty pounds. Went from eating six meals a day to a half a sandwich at five or six PM… That just wasn’t enough.”
Scott didn’t realize how bad his health had become until he came to Nuvia, where he was diagnosed with the infections. “[Nuvia] saved my life. It’s plain and simple.”
For Scott, full mouth dental implants were what he needed to save his life and live healthy.
They Took the Stress Away
Beyond the procedure itself, Scott was blown away by the support and care he received. From the moment he walked in, he felt taken care of. “They take the stress. They take that burden from you so you’re not alone.”
For years, Scott had been hiding from the world because of his teeth. He felt ashamed of his smile and isolated in his suffering. But at Nuvia, he was treated like a human being, not just a number.
“Dr. Alshaar just stopped in, opened the door, and said, ‘Scott, how are you doing?’ And to me, that speaks volumes… You're a human being, and they care how you feel.”
This level of care made all the difference in Scott’s journey. One way you can avoid having a dental implants gone wrong story is to choose a highly experienced provider.
At Nuvia, full mouth dental implants is all we do. The oral and maxillofacial surgeons have hundreds, if not thousands of full mouth cases under their belts.
Don’t risk your oral health and smile with a provider who has only taken a weekend course on how to do the procedure (they are out there!).
Is It Worth It? Scott Thinks So.
If you’re on the fence about getting dental implants, Scott has a message for you:
“If you're still on the fence, take that first step...
I'm gonna be honest with you. It took me eight months just to come in here because I was nervous. I thought I was in such bad shape that I wouldn't be able to have this procedure done.”
“It'll be the best move you've ever made. Trust me. It's one of the best moves I've ever made”
Yes, there were challenges. Adjusting to speaking, eating soft foods at first, and facing the reality of surgery weren’t easy. But compared to a life of pain, sickness, and self-consciousness, it was more than worth it.
For Scott, “dental implants gone wrong” would have been never getting them at all. Instead, they gave him his life back.
So, if you’re considering dental implants but are afraid of the unknown, take it from Scott: the way to live unburdened by teeth is to take that first step and see if you may be eligible for permanent teeth in 24 hours with the 60-second quiz.
Source: (1) Pjetursson, B. E., Thoma, D., Jung, R., Zwahlen, M., & Zembic, A. (2012). A systematic review of the survival and complication rates of implant-supported fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) after a mean observation period of at least 5 years. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 23(Suppl 6), 22-38.