September 13, 2024

How to Get Help with Dental Implants: Cost Breakdown, Financing, and More

Find Out If You May Be Eligible
For Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours

Get The Dental Implant Cost Guide
How to get help with dental implants thumbnail with smiling man's smile before and after

Table of Contents

Dental implants can be life changing. For those struggling with missing teeth, dealing with the discomforts of dentures, or trying to fight off severe oral health issues, dental implants can offer a different way of life. For those wondering how to get help with dental implants, we’ve got good news for you. 

Dental implants may be more attainable than you think. Not only is getting started as quick and simple as the 60-second quiz below, there are resources such as the dental implant cost guide that helps answer questions and gives insights on how so many people are able to transform their smile overnight.

Here are 4 steps on how to get help with dental implants: 

Step 1: See if You May Be a Candidate for Dental Implants

The first step to getting a treatment and finance plan for dental implants is to see if you may qualify for full mouth dental implants. 

Candidates primarily are those with missing teeth, multiple failing teeth, or those who are currently using dentures. 

For dental implants to be successful, patients must also have adequate bone density. 

This is evaluated by a CT scan when you come in for a consultation. For those who are concerned about bone loss from years of missing teeth - don’t lose hope! 

There are additional treatment options such as zygomatic dental implants that can allow patients to get dental implants despite some bone loss.

Ready to see if you may be a candidate? Simply start by filling out this 60-second quiz!

Before and after dental implants for how to get help with dental implants

Step 2: Learn About Dental Implant Cost

For those wondering how to get help with dental implants, it can feel like cost is standing between them and their dream smile. Luckily, that doesn’t have to be the case. 

The Dental Implant Cost Guide addresses all of the cost and finance related questions surrounding dental implants. It might surprise you how affordable dental implants can be!

Download the Guide

Image of the cost guide that answers how to get help with dental implants

Step 3: Know Your Options

There are many options for how to get help with dental implants. Unfortunately, health insurance doesn’t help cover costs and dental insurance will likely only help with a small portion. However, around 92% of our patients are able to pay with affordable monthly payment plans.

The first step to exploring financing options is to see if you may be eligible for dental implants. Then, you can learn more about your financing options in the dental implant cost guide.

It’s also important to know what options different providers can offer. 

Traditionally, it may take other providers up to 10+ months before they can get you your permanent teeth. Over the course of this time, you’ll likely frequently return for follow-up visits, fittings, and potentially have visits to repair the temporary teeth you’re given.

At Nuvia, you can get your permanent teeth in 24 hours from the procedure. No temporary teeth, no potential for a liquid-only diet, and no waiting for months and months for your permanent teeth.  

Before and after getting dental implants patient smiling

Step 4: Get a Treatment Plan

Every person’s mouth is different and will require a customized treatment plan. Because of this, it’s impossible to provide more than general information. However, it is incredibly easy to get personalized information and a custom treatment plan! 

After filling out this 60-second quiz, a Nuvia representative will reach out to help you set up a consultation. Here, you’ll get a CT scan that will help your doctor in creating a treatment plan. You’ll also have the option to design your new smile and get information on what payment plans are available to you.

After that, you’ll schedule your procedure and 24 hours after that, you’ll have a brand new, permanent smile.


Questions People Ask in Addition to How to Get Help with Dental Implants

Who is a poor candidate for dental implants?

How to save money on dental implants?

How much does most dental insurance pay for implants?

Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2024 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
Get the Guide

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Are you ready to start living your best life?

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