The Ultimate Guide to Full Mouth Dental Implants

*Actual NUVIA patient(s) who may have been compensated for sharing their story. Not all those who come in for a consultation are eligible for this treatment. Results may vary in individual cases.

Jim suffered unnecessarily for 10 years…

Yes, for 10 years he knew he needed to do something to fix the problem but kept putting it off.

Does that sound familiar?

He grew up grinding his teeth and despite his best efforts, his teeth did not last the test of time. 

He has not been able to enjoy food like he used to. He’s had to be extra careful so the sensitivity of the broken teeth did not cause him extra pain.

Jim says he has struggled with razor sharp and broken down teeth since his childhood.

After more than 10 years of knowing he needed to do something about this problem, he came to Nuvia Dental Implant Center in Saint George.

The team at Nuvia walked him through each step and the day after his surgery, he returned to receive his new smile. 

What you’re about to view in the video below is Jim and his family reacting to his new smile for the very first time. 

What do you think you would say looking in the mirror for the first time after you get full mouth dental implants?

You’ll see what Jim says for the first time after you watch the video and it's very touching.  It’s something most people take for granted and would only understand if they’ve walked a mile in Jim’s shoes.

Jim is now smiling and enjoying food and friends in a new way since receiving his permanent 24-hour smile from Nuvia.

Scroll Down and watch his smile reveal now:

Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2024 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
Get the Guide

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Nuvia's Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours VS Teeth-In-A-Day.

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Do Dental Implants Hurt? What to Expect From Dental Implant Surgery

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Dental Implants Vs. Dentures - How Implants Can Help

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