February 26, 2025

6 Patients Honest Review: Life After Whole Mouth Implants

Last Updated:
February 26, 2025
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Woman pulling back teeth to show whole mouth implants

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Even with multiple missing or failing teeth, getting whole mouth implants can feel like a big decision. And it totally is! Getting a new smile is life changing.

And although we can list out all the benefits and tell you exactly what to expect, there’s no better group of people to talk about what full mouth dental implants are really like than those who actually have them. 

You can hear the truth from 6 dental implant patients –who have all had their implants at different lengths of time! – in the video below as they share what has changed for them since getting a new smile. 

*Actual NUVIA patient(s) who may have been compensated for sharing their story. Not all those who come in for a consultation are eligible for this treatment. Results may vary in individual cases.

The Good and the Bad of Whole Mouth Implants

Getting a brand new smile is a big change and can come with some ups and downs in the beginning. Here are some of the good and bad things from dental implants that you, like those in the video above, may experience.

The Adjustment Period: Getting Used to New Teeth

If you’ve been missing or struggling with your teeth for years, having a full set of teeth again can be an especially big adjustment. Although your smile transformation is immediate, adjusting to your new teeth may take a little time.

One patient shared:

"My tongue didn’t know where to go with my implants. [Before] I had so many missing teeth, that my tongue was just trying to figure things out."

Another patient described the initial feeling like their teeth were on stilts—strange, though not painful, just different.

And then there’s the common challenge many face at first:

"Quite a bit of tongue biting, cheek biting… a lot of smiling! And learning that I have teeth in my mouth again".

But the good news? It doesn’t take long for things to feel natural again.

"You just learn to take it day by day…and your mind will adapt."

Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours

Each of the patients interviewed in the video above had a unique experience getting their whole mouth implants…

They received their permanent teeth 24 hours after their dental implants were placed.

This is a huge difference compared to the traditional approach of waiting for what could be 10+ months before giving patients their final set of teeth.

Traditionally, patients wear a bulky set of temporary dentures while waiting for months. Not at Nuvia. Patients have their dental implants placed then return the next day and get their new teeth. No need to be self-conscious about one-size-fits-all denture. No need to wait for months.

Patient smiling before and after whole mouth implants

Eating With Dental Implants: What’s on the Menu?

Missing or failing teeth often means avoiding favorite meals, sticking to soft foods, or dealing with constant pain when chewing.

Whole mouth implants change that.

"I don’t have to think about what I can and can’t eat anymore. That’s the best thing for me."

Many patients are told to stick to a soft food diet for around four months (this includes anything you can cut with a plastic fork). After that, patients can eat whatever they want. 

For some, that means salads and nachos. For others it’s steak, potato chips, and even caramel apples. Dental implants make it possible to eat foods you have been missing for years because of your teeth.

One patient summed it up perfectly:

"[I] can eat everything now…There were so many things that were off the table."

Confidence: An Unexpected Benefit

Getting to eat anything without being restricted by teeth is reason enough for many patients to get new teeth. However, many patients share that one of the biggest changes they’ve experienced from whole mouth implants is their renewed sense of confidence. 

Responding to the most unexpected benefit from getting dental implants, one patient shares “My confidence. I feel so confident. Even talking to you today – I wouldn't have done this four weeks four months ago.” 

Before dental implants, many patients explain that they avoid photos, cover their mouths when talking, or simply stop smiling altogether.

Once they have a new set of teeth, that all changes.

“The best benefit I received was my confidence back. Not feeling like I needed to hide. I don't need to hide my face. I don't need to hide my teeth.”

Another patient shared:

"I didn’t know the color of the world. When you get implants and you can smile and feel that confidence, it’s like you see the world in a whole new light."

If missing or failing teeth are causing you to hide your smile or making it difficult to leave the house, see if you may be a candidate for full mouth dental implants with this 60-second quiz.

Woman smiling before and after whole mouth implants

Is the Cost of Whole Mouth Implants Worth It?

One of the biggest concerns people have before getting whole mouth implants is cost.

However, after experiencing the transformation and realizing how affordable dental implants can be, many patients view cost differently.

The reality is that 92% of Nuvia patients use a payment plan, making it more affordable than many expect. And when you compare it to the cost of ongoing dental work, the cost of denture maintenance, and the daily toll of living with missing teeth, it’s possible for dental implants to save money in the long run.

For more information on financing options, dental insurance coverage, and cost comparison, see the dental implant cost guide.

“Nuvia Gave Me…”

Every patient in the video above had their own journey, their own struggles, and their own reasons for choosing whole mouth implants. But they all agreed on one thing:

It was worth it.

When asked to respond to the prompt, “Nuvia Gave Me…”, each patient shared how their life has changed with their new teeth. These were some of their answers:

“A new life”

“My life back”

“It gave me my happy back”

“My life”

“Nuvia gave me a new life, a new beginning.”

If you’re considering dental implants, wondering what life will be like after, or just ready to take the next step, take the 60-second quiz below to see if you may be eligible for full mouth dental implants.

Key Points:

  • Adjusting to new teeth takes time—but it’s worth it. Patients may experience an adjustment period getting used to their new teeth, but a short time later their new smile starts to feel completely natural.
  • Permanent teeth in just 24 hours. Unlike traditional methods that may require wearing temporary dentures for months, Nuvia provides fully customized zirconia teeth the day after your procedure.
  • Eat the foods you love again. After a short healing period where patients stick to a soft food diet, they can then enjoy everything from salads and steak to caramel apples—without the restrictions of dentures or failing teeth.
  • Confidence is a life-changing benefit. Many patients find that dental implants don’t just restore their smile—they help them feel more comfortable in social situations, photos, and everyday life.
  • Payment plans make dental implants more affordable than many expect. With 92% of Nuvia patients using financing, whole mouth implants are often more affordable than people realize. Plus, they may save money long-term by eliminating the need for ongoing dental work or denture maintenance.
  • Patients agree: it’s worth it. From “a new life” to “my happy back,” every patient in the video shared how their life has transformed after getting dental implants.

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Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2025 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
Get the Guide

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